Thoughts from Father Parent, O.M.I.


Wonder is the fruit of a young heart; if you don't have it, you’ve lost the way to true love.
Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I.

Reflection on Father Parent's thoughts:
Wonder and heart. Two words so explosive that they conjure up magical words: joy, laughter, love, affection. Fruit and youth are explosive: sweetness, affection, friendliness, tenderness.

Now close your eyes and pick up that little box with the “memory” label hidden in the corner of your brain. It’s there because no one can take it away from you, it goes with you everywhere, so open it! Surprise, it’ll explode with all the fruits of the Spirit you’ve gathered during your life. What wonder!

If it doesn't explode, you don't have the right key... the key to love that the Lord gave you. It’s not really lost, because the Lord is never lost; you have simply mislaid it.

Françoise Lequarré

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