Sunday, 04 February 2024 09:56

Thought of Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I. / Reflection 5

fevrier2024 pensee reflex5 ang

Happiness is an attitude of the spirit which we ourselves create by the way we accept and use the present moment.
Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I.

Reflections on the following thought:
Like each of you, I'm committed to spreading charity in my community, and I'd like to share a few examples of my current experience in this residence of 13 autonomous people, of whom I'm ALMOST the eldest:

Still driving the car, visiting lonely or sick people, offering services in simplicity at church or elsewhere, responding to a resident's invitation to watch a TV program together where we so often conclude with a prayer, stopping at the table of a young disabled person to take an interest in his experiences, talking about current affairs or eating an “ice cream” together!

The opportunity to pre

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