Mission : To live everywhere the Love of Christ in the present moment.

From the very beginning of the Institute, Christians have chosen to deepen their baptismal commitment by sharing the spiritual ideal of the Institute. More than a thousand members are part of the Associate Group Volunteers of God.

These Associates have responded to an inner call to love and to be of service to others following the example of Jesus.

The members of the group take specific means so that their everyday life will become a testimony of love in their surrounding. These persons make the commitment to live the following five attitudes:

  • Presence of God – To be attentive to the presence of God in the present moment
  • Abstention from destructive criticism – To learn to look at ourselves and others with love
  • Abstention from useless complaint – To welcome events positively
  • Being of service – To direct one's life towards the service of others
  • Peacemaker – To strive to foster peace in all circumstances.

The associates also commit themselves to perform daily acts of kindness for the benefit of others.

Volunteers of God are present in Canada, the United States, Latin America, the West Indies, Europe and Asia. They usually belong to a team where they find support for spiritual growth.

News of the Volunteers of God


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