Henri-Louis, born on July 12, 1910 in Saint-Camille-de-Bellechasse, Quebec, Canada, his parents Adèle Jobin and Cléophas Parent.
His father is a hard-working man of little education, but intelligent, ingenious and skilled in a variety of trades. His mother, formerly a schoolteacher, supports her husband brilliantly in everything he does. They had twelve children, nine of whom died in infancy from respiratory problems. Only three survive, including Henri-Louis. When he is just a few months old, there are serious concerns about his health: he is found turning blue. But thanks to a lady who gives him artificial respiration for over an hour, he is saved, although his health remains fragile until the age of ten. Could this have been a miracle? Perhaps. So, he grows up surrounded by parents of great strength and personality, and with an ardent faith that he inherits. This makes him a privileged child who receives gifts and charisms.
His father dies when he is just three years old, leaving his mother with a growing business. Later on, she remarries, but it is a rather painful union, and the couple eventually separates. Despite this difficult ordeal and an uncertain future ahead, this strong woman moves with her family to Québec...
 From the age of 4, Henri-Louis wanted to give his life to God. He wanted to save the world and was ready to go to the endsof the earth for Him.
Around the age of 12, he confides in his mother about his vocation.
In 1931, at the age of 21, he enters the novitiate of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It is then that he is confirmed under the name "Marie". From that day on, he wants to add Mary's name to his own. When he arrives in the vicariate of Grouard in Alberta on November 21, 1938, the feast of the Presentation of Mary, he changes his name from HENRI-LOUIS to LOUIS-MARIE, because he loves her and entrusts her with his mission and vocation.
On May 23, 1937, at the age of 27, he is ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Joseph-Eugène Limoges of Mont-Laurier. His motto: MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.
From 1938 to 1953, he is assigned to the vicariate of Grouard in Alberta (Western Canada).
In 1944, he becomes parish priest of Falher. Then in 1945, he is appointed missionary-colonizer of Rivière-la-Paix (Alberta). From the start of his priesthood, he is a preacher and in contact with lay people, religious and priests. Father Parent is a true pastor, a man in love with God. He is consumed by the Word of God, by prayer and by the Eucharist. Always attentive to Christ's mission in the world and for the world, he is inspired by the Holy Spirit. He is a docile instrument, leaving a legacy of missionary, evangelizing, living and fervent foundations at the heart of the Church.
In 1943, co-founder of a contemplative religious community: “les Recluses de Jésus Marie”, which becomes “les Recluses Missionnaires”, whose Mother House is currently located on Gouin Boulevard in Montréal.

In 1952, he founded the secular institute “ The Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate”.


Young men feel inspired by the testimonial of the Oblate Institute and ask Father Parent to found a men's version of it.
He invites them to Cap-de-la-Madeliene on July 2, 1958. The Voluntas Dei Institute is born. The Institute brings together people who share the same ideal: to build peace and brotherhood in Jesus Christ. Priests, deacons, candidates for the priesthood, married couples and single men, consecrated to God, work in the Church here and in different countries around the world.
Through their involvement, the Voluntas Dei want to be at the heart of the world, like the Virgin of the Annunciation, the instrument of Christ living the will of the Father.
As an author, Father Parent is well known to thousands of readers. For 20 years, he published a monthly brochure entitled, “Collection Volontaires de Dieu”. He also has several volumes on spirituality and human relations to his credit. And more…

On October 5, 2005, Father Parent leaves the Maison Reine-des-Apôtres (Cap-de-la-Madeleine) to live at the Résidence-de-Mazenod in Richelieu, Qc. On May 17, 2009, the Lord calls him, and he enters his eternal home at the age of 98 years and 10 months.
A life well lived. If you'd like to find out more about the foundations, spirituality and founder, visit the website.
