
A constant availability to the will of the Father to live everywhere the charity of Christ through service, with the help of Mary.

The charism is what distinguishes the Institute from other Secular institutes. It defines the way of being in the world. It is a spiritual dynamism that enables it to realize the mission and to participate in the mission of the Church in the world.

Availability to do the Father's will, unconditional and universal love of neighbour, unselfish service to others and devotion to Mary are the key elements that inspire the Oblates as they carry out their mission.



Following Christ to witness the unconditional love of God the Father through the attitudes of life.

The mission commits the Oblate to be a responsible Christian presence in the world, to exercise a transforming action within temporal realities in order to make them more just and more humane.



Centered on the charity of Christ, the spirituality of the Institute is lived out in concrete ways through a formula called the "5-5-5".

3 vietnam teaching english.17 1First 5 – Life of Prayer

These are five privileged moments of prayer through which the Oblate adjusts her heart to Jesus who is all loving to allow herself to be moulded by him. She is inspired and strengthened by Mary, accomplished model of Love.

Second 5 – Attitudes of Life

Presence of God
To be attentive to the presence of God in the present moment

Abstention from destructive criticism interior and exterior
To learn to look at our self and others with love

Abstention from useless complaint interior and exterior
To welcome events positively

Being of service
To direct one's life towards the service of others

To strive to foster peace in all circumstances


Third 5 - Charity in Action

The Oblate does five conscious acts of charity every day to develop and to maintain the dynamism of her love for her brothers and sisters

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