Sunday, 02 June 2024 15:31

Thought of Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I. / Reflection 9

juin2024 149e pensee reflexion 9 eng

We are in life to learn a skill, that is to love as God Himself loves. Father Louis-Marie Parent, O.M.I.

Reflection on Father Parent's thoughts: 
Learning to love is certainly the first mission of every Christian, especially for us consecrated lay people, as Father Parent's thought for the month reminds us.

We could say that we go to school to learn the art of loving as God loves us.

To achieve this, we need our feet: one grafted onto God, onto our relationship with Him, because we are women with a deep inner life; the second is that of the heart: tireless apostles and missionaries, reaching out to the smallest and poorest with the same passion as Christ. It is often precisely the testimonies of these women that have much to teach us.

We must learn to act tirelessly, like Christ, leaving our securities, our comfort zones, with joy and hope, trusting and abandoning ourselves to Him, to be enriched by His actions, without fear, and keeping our feet firmly planted on the ground and our eyes raised to heaven.

A wonderful school for learning the art of love is the one we live in our teams, indispensable tools for building, through our 5-5-5 spirituality, relationships of sisterhood and charity, of friendship and brotherhood among us, despite the many challenges and differences.

Graziella Falbo, Italy
Europe Region, Paola,

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