Tuesday, 25 July 2023 15:44

How to Become a Peace Builder

peaceHuman beings by nature have a need for peace. But we are exposed to various problems in life that deprive us of peace of mind. Thus, none of us lives in an ideal situation of peace. Problems may be in the form of health problems, financial problems, or social problems, which can only be solved to a certain extent by helping each other. Thus, peace in the family or society depends to some extent on the members of the group. Each of us therefore plays an important role as a peacemaker.

biblechadelleBut peace is an inner state, a personal experience, lived within us. For believers, peace comes from a truly intimate relationship with God. As Psalm 61 says, "In God alone my soul finds peace." So, living in God's presence gives us peace. In John 14, verse 27, we see Jesus, before his Passion, say to the Apostles: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. I will not give as the world gives." The night of Christmas after the birth of Jesus, the angels of heaven appeared to the shepherds saying "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will." So, every Christmas fills us with peace and Jesus came to earth to give us peace.

For me, since I joined the Volunteers of God, 10 years ago, I am slowly deepening the experience of peace. My faith in God's presence has become so strong that I now know that He is always with me. I am alone in my house. But I never feel loneliness or fear. I converse with Jesus while cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc., and peace flows through me, giving me a sense of well-being and ease. Peace is definitely a gift from God. The more we live in his intimacy, the more it increases, even when things around us or within us disturb and upset us.

riverPeace is flowing like a river
Flowing out from you and me…
Pouring out into the desert,
Making all the captives free.

Dr. Annie Thomas, Volunteer from India

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