Wednesday, 01 May 2024 01:19

Mary in the image of Oblate spirituality

marie mereWe know Mary by many names. Little Thérèse used to say: “Mary is much more a mother than a queen”.

She is Mother; she is the mediatrix of all the graces that God grants to all his children. Mary loves all her children.

On the cross, Jesus presented her to us, saying to John: “Behold your Mother.”

Mary is powerful in the heart of God. It was Jesus who said: “Whatever my mother asks of me, I give it to her”. This was her intercession at the wedding feast in Cana.

That's why we can always say to her: “Mary, go ahead!”

She teaches us to pray through her Magnificat. With her, I can say: “My soul praises the Lord, He leans towards me, He works wonders, He lifts up the lowly and remembers His love.”

Mary abandoned herself to the will of the Father and said: “I am the handmaid of the Lord”.

Mary, our mother, teach us to always say to the Lord: “Here I am to do your will.”

Lilianne Rodrigue

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