Saturday, 14 January 2023 23:39

Reflection of the donkey in the crib by an oblate...

donkeyA few weeks ago Joseph received some disturbing news: He had to go to Bethlehem to be registered with his family, because his descendants are from that region. Even though his wife was ready to give birth, he had to go. It was an order from the Emperor Augustus.

As an obedient man he saddled me with a tub, placed a woven latanier bag on each side of my back. He put some food, water, 2-3 blankets for the journey. I even brought some hay for the desert places. And here we are, bumping and grinding for about 160 km of road between valleys and mountains. Marie, pregnant, is sitting on my back. In spite of the weight of my load, I try not to rush my movements because it was not easy for her to make all this road...

Several days of fatigue finally brought us to Bethlehem. Phew! It was time. Mary was about to give birth. As they were refused a place in the hostel, "a woman is going to give birth in the midst of so many people, it is not done, come on!" Then someone showed us a stable with a little straw, an ox was already there. At least, with our breath, they will be warm.

But all along the road, despite the fatigue, thirst, hunger sometimes, I was happy, because I a donkey, I the animal of the poor-- I carried the Savior of the world...

Dear donkey: I am amazed at your perseverance along this road, your gentleness in protecting Mary from the shocks of the road and your faithful service to the end: even in the stable.

You make me think: no complaint, no "hi-an" either... no criticism of the difficult road and the weight on your back... By helping Mary as best you can, you are "present" in your own way to this God who comes among us. I find in you, our 5 attitudes of life.

Jesus, here I am near you, I am filled with your presence: I want to develop perseverance in my actions and gentleness towards those who irritate me or overwhelm me a little too much...

By my benevolent attitude I can welcome others by being of service according to my capacities and, peacemaker. Thank you Mr. Donkey for your example, thank you Jesus for your help in my everyday life...

Marie-Thérèse Gagné. December 2022

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