Sunday, 02 October 2022 07:12

I give thanks for my 62 years of belonging to the Secular Institute

service engThe Institute is a group of consecrated women who commit themselves to follow Christ in order to live the evangelical counsels: chastity, poverty, obedience and to apply the attitudes of the 5-5-5. It is a big family where we help each other to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world and the leaven in the dough in the heart of the world.

The Institute has allowed me to fulfill myself and to use my talents to serve others. I am grateful for all that the Institute has given me, allowed me to be and all that I have received spiritually, all the riches and wonders. I give thanks for my 62 years of belonging to the Institute. Magnificat! Hallelujah!

Denise Lanoix, Montréal




Photo: AndPan614 de Pixabay


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