Sunday, 28 March 2021 22:15

Allowing oneself be healed by creation

printempsAt last, the arrival of a long-awaited spring that will relegate to the past the disruptive events and strong emotional experiences of the last months. For some, this time will remain a painful memory which slowed down their momentum in life.

Will the announcement of a beautiful spring be strong enough to erase the bad times, one wonders?

Could we not take this season as a good time for therapy, a calling out of ourselves? Isn't spring in itself a time of renewal? Doesn't Mother Nature clothe herself in greenery, with buds bursting with life, awakening our beautiful gardens to growth, surrounding us with beautiful colors bringing feelings of beauty, of joy and love? Why not let ourselves be healed by creation?

The renewal of nature invites us to a transformation. Let us allow the Holy Spirit do his work in us throughout the coming months of this year.

Louise F, Volunteer of God
March 20

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