Thursday, 28 December 2023 20:45

Recipe to Build Peace

peaceThe least well-known and least executed recipe is undoubtedly the recipe for building peace. It's like the recipe for cakes, there are several:

there is peace in the world,
peace of heart,
peace in the family,
peace in the workplace,
peace in our community, peace of mind…

The basic ingredients are always the same:

- A large amount of listening
- Enough presence to create trust
- A lot of frankness
- Quality time
- An accompaniment carried out by the presence of God

At this time when everything costs more for less, the recipe for building peace is the one that enriches us and those to whom we offer it. It can come simply by listening, by a gesture of kindness, by a message of encouragement, by a prayer, by a smile...
Here is card model prepared by a group of volunteers and offered at the exit of the church to people who wanted to bring the message to other suffering people too often forgotten in their milieux.
I encourage you to use it, in your respective circles, to build peace by taking care of others.

Nicole Gélinas-Dostaler,
Friend of the Volunteers of God in Canada
and former Spiritual Animator in Schools

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