Saturday, 28 August 2021 23:43

News from the North America West Region, August 2021

communication menuSince the beginning of 2021, our experience of the present moment is developing more and more. We realize the importance of the saying: "Each day is bears its own troubles."

Here is a summary of events of the last seven months in our Region.

This year, due to the current pandemic and the closure of the border between Canada and the United States, Regional Council meetings are being carried out by Zoom video-conference. As the companions of our Region advance in age, we find that the state of health of many is becoming increasingly fragile. Mutual aid exercised between the companions during events like hospitalizations, moves, etc. has been remarkable.

Regarding team life, communications between members, and particularly between members of the same team, are mostly carried out by phone, email and video conference. This approach requires great creativity on the part of the team leaders. This year, when possible, the renewal of vows will take place at team gatherings.

Presently we are planning a regional meeting for October 16, 2021. A Regional Assembly will take place as soon as possible after the General Assembly scheduled for July-August 2022 so we
have a year to prepare.

The American Oblates held their annual retreat at Biddeford Pool. The double vaccination of the Oblates of our two countries against Covid 19 is progressing very well; this will allow future meetings in person.

Day to day a song often rises in our heart:

♫ One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking from you.
Give me the strength to do every day what I have to do. ♪
Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine,
So for my sake teach me to take one day at a time.♫

Adriana D.
Regional leader

Photo: par Free-Photos de Pixabay

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