Tuesday, 01 November 2022 14:29

The Good Shepherd

It is with a lovely heart of the Holy Scripture that Father Louis-Marie Parent, OMI.
transmits us this beautiful Word. Inspired of Jn 10, 14-18

pastor missionary

I am the good Shepherd.
It is up to me to take care of my sheep.
I love my sheep, they let themselves be guided,
they abandon themselves to me.
If they are wounded I take care of them, I bind their wounds,
I integrate them into my flock.
I ask that they let themselves be loved,
that they be calm, that they be recollected,
that they let themselves be invaded by my silence,
that they open their ears, that they call me,
that they pay attention, that they let themselves be loved.
I am the good Shepherd; I know my sheep,
my sheep know me.
They listen to me, they follow me.
Nothing can take them out of my hand.
They will never perish.

Excerpts from the book: In Intimacy with Jesus
Father Louis-Marie Parent, OMI.



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