Tuesday, 26 July 2022 14:45

Gratitude for the Institute's 70th anniversary

Gratitude institute engFor me, celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Institute is like celebrating my second birth. I owe everything to my parents, who gave me the best they could for my future... life, health, family and Christian education, a welcoming environment, schooling, learning about work, social life, etc. Thank you!

The Institute also gave me life for the same reasons. I owe it to people who were involved in my human and spiritual formation, to the animators who invested themselves in accompanying, listening to and learning about our spirituality and fraternal life. I learned that Charity was the greatest treasure to receive and to give. I learned to love! Thank you!

I recognize that the Authorities have taken on enormous responsibilities by entrusting us with missions, with commitments in the name of the Institute and the Church. I owe them for their confidence in me, in us, to do our part in our environment. I have studied, lived beautiful experiences in various services and exercised a beautiful profession! I have been nourished humanly and spiritually and benefited from health care. Thank you!

I am grateful to the companions of the various teams with whom I experienced the practicality of team life and Charity. I have experienced warm, pleasant and fraternal moments. Thank you!

I feel great gratitude and I can say: “The Lord has done wonders for me … Holy is his Name.” He did it beautifully through the Institute. And he is still doing it. Thank you!

You who are reading this today, don't forget to add your name to my list of gratitude, you who have loved me, helped me, accompanied me and more! You have made me happy and I will always enjoy it. Thank you!

Lina L.

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