Thursday, 11 April 2019 20:06

An Activity of the Volunteers, Drummondville

équipe volontaires drummondvilleAn Activity of the Volunteers –As its month, team meeting the Drummondville Volunteers of God participated in a conference titled, Give meaning to one’s life; give meaning to one’s death. (Antoine de St-Exupery)

The speaker, Madame Denise Filion, a retired nurse, had worked in palliative care a number of years. She spoke of the resistance, concerns and fears some persons have in accepting death. She spoke as well of the secure feelings of others who passed away peacefully having become aware since birth that death was part of the journey. She gave the example of a farmer, close to nature, who passed away serenely. Through the process of sowing seed, he had experienced what death could mean. “I sow the grain on the soil, that is my work as the human in the picture. Then the Divine work begins. The seed must die to germinate, to develop, to spring forth from the soil and produce fruit.” Having given meaning to his life, that man accepted death in peace.

A time of reflection followed the conference. We realized that, for humans and the growing seed, the process is the same. Day after day humans flourish, die to childhood, to adolescence, to adulthood onto old age.

1. As a Volunteer, what meaning do I give my life?
2. Do I consciously accept to die to myself a little more day by day?
3. What meaning do I give to my physical losses?
4. What meaning do I give to my death?

The Volunteer Team,
By Paulette C.


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